Information As The Sources of Knowledge
“The most of we too much pressure to the self to pursuit the happiness economics because the information educate we must be obedient in the changing of the world until the time passed. All of a sudden getting the self already dusk without self-esteem. Money indeed shooting, all the more so in ‘traveling without purpose’ but when had got the right lighthouse we will experience the secondly shocking: ‘well’ is so disgusted with the behavior all this time.”
Media as News Center .
The media is a collection of news items published deliberately assuming a news will give the effect of publicity. With the goal of good and bad all the news broadcasted out. As author, substance of media for Giharu should be a source of knowledge and all information on this site is the source of knowledge. Because Giharu is attempting in ways ordinary then this information center should be mainstay ‘as if the journalists do not have to meet her again’. All information is here. This is the meaning of Giharu want to be seen as a myriad of ideas and ideals.
Information Flow
Giharu is always trying so that when visitors get into the mind of this site ‘Museum of Giharu Thought’ do not get lost. Media streams are also made to flow and structured. The flow of information is the latest information will be published (selected) on the home of website firstly, then put onto this page and last will be accumulated in each sub menu from this menu. So to search for information that has passed please visit in to the sub menu.
Sub Menu
- Activities: List of all activities that had be done nor not every year
- Internal Publication: Bank of the all information (News) produced and published by us
- External Publication: Bank of the all information (news) produced and published by outside parties
- Achievement: Our internal achievements including award from another parties
- Statistic: Summary of support progress on purchasing of book and background the readers ‘supporter’ based on gender, age, profession, etc and presented per each title book
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