Ideals Should Be Built On The Top of Footing
Land is never incremented even only one inch except encroached upon and was converted those function, human with all their desire continued urgent up to the forests, to the mountain, to the hills, their greediness has exceeded Mount Sindoro Sumbing, reach out and want to rip the sky in order their desire is perfect. Few are willing to care but many people need a natural shade. Do not lie, the human heart confusion always successfully cleansed by natural coolness.
KOMAGI or The Indonesia Mountain Man Community is officially designated as the movement organ movers in Natural Division. KOMAGI in running the program work closely with related divisions in the body of YPG. YPG is always doing activities by providing an integrated solution because nature can no longer be separated from human activity, in the KOMAGI concerning the three components, namely:
- Nature, related to preservative, protection and conservation
- Community, related to human activity that affect to nature
- Environment, related to community livelihood activities in their surroundings that make an impact on nature
The Background
The identity nature is its naturalness, blessing of the universe. If correct tourism built for drinking nature beauty as well as to give add value to local communities, should the irregular materialistic orientation and the desire to make uniform nature in that context does not need to happen. The disintegration of how to handle nature at the lowest level it’s been going on.
Take a look at around the national road Parakan Wonosobo, precisely at the foot of Mount Sindoro Sumbing, Kledung, Temanggung, activity in the past 3 years have been very quite changed the face of hillside of Mount Sindoro Sumbing. What about the other archipelago jewels? Giharu with all her devotion to nature and to the mountains is not enough just cringed inwardly, there must be a real effort immediately, give balance to people who have ‘understanding of objectives should be pursued to the ends of the sky’. The Division of Nature through KOMAGI is a medium for doing the real action.
The Economy Depends on Nature Sustainability
Constitution 1945 article 33 paragraph 3 is often the nature get connotation should be explored as many, since it came the idea: “Oh yeah this location has not been tilled!”, “Oh my God, this area of untapped!” The motive and purpose of exploring nature always in physical development. Ideas of city is forced, the local wisdom take hard efforts to keep itself, was squeezed by globalization pressed by its own people.
Capital owner (financiers and authorities did not ever want to blame because all the layers involved deny nature. We regret is the mental approach with impartial nature’s identity whereas economic development without the preservation of the nature and universe also not able to survive right?
Nature always provides a way of thinking in the development of the universe, including the economic destiny in it. The people just to think for their own life will not be able to move in the direction that life today is contained lived rights of next generations. The country as ‘shareholder’ of policy should already be in seriously level thinking about the rights of future generations, this concerns the resilience of a nation.
Why The Mountain?
The mountain and the hills are the highest place belonging to planet Earth, sky and space after that, if the high altitude course has changed its structure then the disaster in the lowlands just stay waiting time. This is one reason why the mountain and the hill SHOULD BE VERY, VERY protected. The mountain is the lastest oasis of human-owned of Indonesia to get excitement (red. we have not discussed about sea). Indonesia rich mountain country has must stop outlook “creative economy shaft is mountain”, although it was very true. The mountain should be seen as a place to learn a life of lasting harmony. The mountain is the real life.
Mission and Vision
As the adoptable movement, open but bold and firm as well as fighting the nature needs for the sake of mankind.
The Goals
- Defense of Farmland, prevent agricultural lands around the mountain does not change its function of the farming
- Equal Partners, become a equal partner with local communities and with related divisions in YPG to realize the village revitalization program
- Mentoring, giving mentoring about preservation, protection and conversion of forests and the environment
The Focus of Nature Division
Activities and programs in the division of nature are universal and timeless because human tracing will still continue to inhabit the Earth. Giharu started this movement as a small step in the hope it will grow more of the pro-nature movement. Focuses that are:
- First, the agricultural lands around the mountain and the hill, Sindoro Sumbing Kledung as pilot project
- Second, the farmland around Temanggung
- Third, agricultural land in the Indonesia archipelago. YPG hopes these ideals can be cloned with smooth
Descriptions and Workings Way
- Stage 1: Declaration of KOMAGI (done at once with micro finance CELENG at November 1, 2014, see documentation) and the formation of the Executive Board and teamwork, the members involved in this community is the initiator member of the micro finance institutions. Giharu and Bangilun Art Group would be pioneer
- Stage 2: Mapping of land and of the problem and the formation of cell of nature
- Stage 3: The campaign and the development of understanding of sustainable mountain protection
- Stage 4: Implementation of programs that related to the daily community and related to other division in YPG
Description of Program