




When Chef-William Wongso pegs the pricing three hundreds million for once time ‘set up’ a new restaurant then by all of my love for culinary world will make a price six hundreds million dollars. The bottom line is, how ever and anyone with the price then please make double price for my standard services. Heee.. heee

The Bridge of Hair Split Seven
Chef William Wongso or any Chef who often being in television already ascertained have extraordinary busy studying in everywhere to be able to create the cuisine with in realm of “not to eat satiety” but “eating is beauty”. The concept of industry according to the preferences that they want to sell will be exposed all on that, while I’m only self-learning from my mother and then by the life time galvanizes me capable of the bridge of hair split seven taste creating. At first time before the cuisine cooked it must be supported the instinct so can be understood as logical. Through the process of before, in the process and will happen and aspects of harmonization should already be caught, in while the food is still just playing at the five senses level is the habit of industry.

Throughout the lifetime of a mother is love learning with to be Chef Family. Mother of Chef Family. The experience can be learned from The Mother Chef Family is the most expensive school in the world, exclusive, not duplicate and his student only one, his son. Others sell a genre of modified cuisine with the trend and uniformity industrial mindset, while I bring originality as the foundation that affairs of cooking instead of solely because of trade but because of love.

The Basic Ingredients of The Worlds
Others matters such as how the presentation, the selection of menu, the themes, the dinnerware and supporting accessories are all about technical and strategic anyway and for anyone who has a taste in cooking will very easy to translate millions of method and gastronomy science which can be obtained freely in the media but a deep bonding and experience from the process of seeing and experiencing the dedication of The Mother Chef Family is the basis of all the seasoning the cooking process and make it a something deserves to be remembered.


So Seriously
Don’t be too serious when reading this article and removed the guesswork I’m switching professions or am trying to apply the role of a professional Chef. To be honest if I didn’t become a writer and find myself passing the Sindoro Sumbing way home is now probably in my kitchen constructed minimal two permanent kitchen set model; international and national style, but national is the spirit from my aspiration kitchen (red: a part of the stories of kitchen set in the context of ancient-modern, gas-furnace in The Simply Life Trilogy novel as my expression of culinary desire) and the permanent it means every day my frying pan put out ‘kreng kring krang’ sound serves the full meaning of cuisine and fulfill the world with food smoke.

In this section, I just will convey the intent of the price offered above with the learning story from a friend’s son who is taking a course of cooking in my house right now.

So the story goes, on the 21st day of learning, the lesson cooking stage has already entered the serious phase, this is the second day of that, I assess she can start to get cooking step by step but still depend on the what I teach. His thoughts is very strong dominated industry so instincts is tough formed naturally when face the out of learning. Today it takes five hours to prepare only about 8 servings seasoning ‘rica-rica’ a hot slice fish, 5 round potatoball and a few ounces of beans, carrots. Until 23:00 night recently all completed. Seasoning of rica-rica does require a material very much which is about 21 kinds, my rica-rica is the improvement of woku Manado.

The learning behind rica-rica that I teach is about “The Freedom of Taking and Giving”. So she after a bit of rest long enough, his body is round and white starting back seem chubby, I ask his sight about the recipe that has been learnt what she wouldn’t mind sharing to others?

She said, “Depending on who will use it, I’ll give if family related, if else how can I?” Then I asked, “I am your sister?” She was speechless. “Where did you get all the recipes and how to cook?” I said making her wordless again.

I was explaining my point that this question will just be a dilemma after his business is famous and successful. His fear of spill the kitchen secret not because others will compete it but more because of she always knew that all recipes and everything I teach her are “free” and even she is also very know my son money that mediocre I drop it to support his learning.

That chart of food business growth has an existing pattern after passing the initiation period, hotel business also, finally any business inevitably must be subject to a pattern that has been collected from a variety of knowledge and experience of human’s activity. A new food or something is still new will be searched like a man who deeply loved his wife on the first night of the bride, new clothes, new watches, a new cell phone, new pens, all of thats give a ‘a really something feeling’ at the beginning, but the time is indeed very clever to fade a triumph in thought and feeling, whether so bored or of other things but at least we will be agreed upon to “feel usual toward the new”.

I say for last one before she go to bed, “If you got free why not free you give?”

It is very important to understand that we always remember our origin of and understand that we are there and can get at one point because there is a process of giving. Then I give her a advise if she could not be “a problem solver” at least she didn’t become “problem maker”.

And by rather night, I see she put out a banana chips that she bought two weeks ago with me but she keeps in his bag in while a week ago I had put my banana chips in the jar home.

Yeah, now please select the packages that I have been prepared with choice of menus from various countries but the archipelago’s menu fully dominate it. My promise is the Chef’s Life.

Credit photo:
Ref: A story in Inspired Story Collection for Business-Enlightenment Simple Life Series (by Giharu)



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