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To the world that Mr. Zuckerberg! Please don’t forget, in addition to Neesha in India, Erika and Esmeralda in Bolivia, there is Anjar, a son of Mount Sindoro Sumbing unknown world. He also wanted to knit a dream, brings insights localities flies to the world so that the world does not lose the true identity in the cauldron of globalization; being sky via the internet.

Socialist The Credo of Technology
Internet with the concept of sharing is a globalization that reinforces the locality of each nation. Facebook and all the media social and now again with more insane vision of, I think is the socialist doctrine does not require state: about this world is in fact solely belong together.

One time ago, someone was able to buy a refrigerator or a property that is deliberately shown often accused ostentatious by neighbors (she may just be arrogant but could be there is a the envy then should be labelled as a pompous), but now the meaning of sharing by technology overcome the envy in human being. With the world as it is today, what do you think a friend who likes to show off his cuisine or delight of family on the medsos? If you have already joined the happiness, it means technology has brought the concept of the world share in the right direction.

Supposing that instead of knowledge shared, a happiness is also very sexy to share it? People of the world as being forced on the same wave to be happy for other people’s happiness and sadness is slowly ensured will be the community sadness also.

The contents and the technology are a public servant, just as hospitals or public phones. Assume the technology is the road; a way that will bring the human generations over the edge. We don’t have to fly to the space to feel the chill of Jupiter, the technology would bring us. Possibly, the technology allows us shivering when watching the awesomeness of Jupiter from the home. It’s very fantastic!

The Ideals Together
Anjar, now a toddler class at a school in his near house, on the Mount Sindoro, Central of Java. He is very brave and not ashamed like the most children. I’m very proud of him because he is the first darebrave Sindoro child called me “Emak”. One morning when I visited there, I told him he should lecture at university! This is my concern “The Mountain Sindoro Sumbing kids should lecture”: a promise of my heart to the generation of Sindoro Sumbing “.

My struggle do not believes common ways that are known contain acceleration, exactly as the ‘kerupuk’ seller in Temanggung who only uses the strength in hearts of buyers who touched and want to join in beautiful ideals. Ideals of Anjar and slopes children may be highly relevant to their daily lives in mountain. Need or not need to be flied that’s associated with their sights one day. Note however, needs Anjar for the world to survive, including Neesa, Erika and Esmeralda also.

Before all the ideas and ideals fly to space, the ideals they have become a part of my goals in life. I’m sure you will be able to realize the dream of us and leave a few steps more only. The users of the technology I think it is the party that will be able to see a goal is a we goal together because they’ve been trained to feel joy and sadness each other in cyberspace.

I don’t know if one day accessible free of charge by Children at Sindoro Sumbing broadband going into the mountains in the near future as the Government program and if yes the problem also irregularities due to the utilization of technology as a source of information regarding the behavior of a culture. This is another affair again.
Rather not free internet issues for, this should be about the extent of the benefits to be gained. Because we know how many children and teens destroyed their future because of the internet. Addicted to the game, lost real-world socialization. Teenage prostitution increased, the malicious sex relations are already very worrying. For children-teens and adolescents wherever they are not easy to understand “the internet could toss the ideals even the village/mountain kids that everyday eat rice corn.

Gadget related internet for children-teens just for playing games only as like the world play of them and porn sites will be more reached for teen. This internet problem present in their natural processes. Indonesia or other developing countries which has the structure of pyramid population will faces immense challenges in terms of negative protection of internet to their young generation.

The presence of I think will make the market face of technology changed dramatically and negatively the excesses will eat our children with terrible. Facebook as initiator and all relevant parties, especially The Information and Technology Ministry as a program owner, The Village Developing Ministry and The Human Developing Ministry take immediate steps to manage the impact of utilization technologies for our child.

A Freedom Value: The Ideas and Suggestion of Broadband and Action.

The slopes of Sindoro Sumbing that has run a lot of history regarding a turn off and turn on the habitat. Tobacco as a story. Technology likes tobacco, it can turn off and turn on the life.



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