

Post Screw



However recording a small step that can be accounted for yourselves, this is very important for the building of movement from the power of the heart.

A few hour ago, I just landed the article Parenting in Process. If you’re affected the writing I think you will not easily disappointed if the results don’t yet satisfy you and of because you’re not so upset then it is likely you’re so lacking the spirit of giving the best results because disappointed less became the whip to rise. But please compare the teaching of acceleration that push you to pursuit the results so that every time stay out must be a results. You will probably really gets the desired result but you will loose a lot of important goals because you’re trying to amputate a lot of the process.

More than a year ago, I asked the Rizky help to build system online shopping with credit card. With all the limitations, per August 4, 2015 it can run well. We apologize if this facility may ever uncomfortable used. Each page of this site is the board where I was processed. All the process I share is the process that I have experienced.

Do not be influenced by my thoughts, each of we have a unique ‘box’. Maybe you need 3 bags of cement to make your box while I need 10 sacks. The best process for someone certainly in accordance with his box.

Movement Should Grow In The Process
The growth in the movement is the processes. Numbers and statistics in modern science will remain be the barometer; How many forests that are already successful preserved, how many animals successfully can be saved from smuggling, how the ocean is already covered by coral reefs. But don’t ask me how many books I’ve written because this question is not quite right with the ideal I am campaigning.

Those numbers will immediately reduce the movement ammunition, such as the war finished, the ammunition will be withdrawn. If want to have ammunition spirit that continues fiery very necessary pretend not to know that the result has been achieved.

We are only a board that must always be ready screwed by the universe. Being part of the process like being part of soulmates, feel the pain when the screw was stuck and twisted around. That how I interact with the process every day such as screws that nailed and rotated over me and processes which I have passed until online store I wrote down with a rather thick ink.

Happy shopping.

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