

Post Tkhjht

The Bad Figures


Finally times told Indonesia who were the good and bad figures perceived by the-public. The time was very fair. The changing of politic Indonesia had uncovered them likes the snails lost the shell in the sun. The sea then had left the beach; they were separated clearly of the good people.

Everybody can convince this one and I just repeat what we are and what the world is thinking about Jokowi-Basuki. That the good figures still centralized at Jokowi-Basuki. The bad figures fixed to The Knight of Horseman, Mas Tom, Mbah Mimin, HaTe, Pepo and Mas Gatot is entering this line at last.

A good figure had passed away was Gus Dur. Followed the old figures like Bapak Bj. Habibie and Ibu Megawati, Buya Maarif, Gus Mus, Bapak Djarot, Bapak Luhut, Kang Dedi, Kang Kamil and some other names. I just took the prominent names in my research.

There are three interesting actors in my research which the second layer of the good people who had been supporting the centralized good figures, which Wiranto, SetNov and Mahfud directly of not. Don’t be reactive with “good people” stamp for them because I will describe below. Wiranto and SetNov in Group “C” and Mahfud in Group “T”.

About the loyalty of Wiranto to Jokowi: Some years ago I believed my brothers said that Wiranto was bad guy. By the time Wiranto had shown the consistent leadership to help Jokowi since election. He was a good man by public perception, a friend in sorrow and joy to Jokowi. This thing erased my old view toward Wiranto. I thought he is person who been trying to be good man.

Where the process of SetNov in my analysis is same with Wiranto’s cycle but different triggers. If Wiranto’s trigger influenced good energy of Jokowi because he is close Jokowi circle and SetNov’s trigger is sickness. I am may be sure he was sick but what kind sickness and how bad I can not fix it. I also believed the changing by changing at himself to something more good that caused his sickness diagnosed. May be he was thinking his life will be taken. I think is not true totally if may be public judged his supporting to Jokowi lately to get support on his case. I think his sickness gave an awareness and choose the good things in the rest time. Supports Jokowi is the good thing he can do as his heart knew “Jokowi was good man”.

Specially Mahfud, I am so happy. His learning curve very fast. His reason is still healthy. May be he is an academics. I had never expect the people like Mahfud was crazy want to support Prabowo in presidential election 2014. Mahfud resigned as winning leader before The Election Commission (KPU) announced the result. After that he had’t been heard with Prabowo again at all until today. I thought if he is still in Prabowo genk he will pay very expensive for the inner peace as long he accepted. Be sure he will get huge bully netizen.

In the second level supporters of bad figures are Anies, Sandi, Yusril, Soeharto, the two horrible faces; Ratna Pait, Zohro the fake researcher, Dani, Mr. Zonk, FZ, Rijiek, Emak Asma, personnel of SarapKicogeng, Saracen, their lawyers, FPI and HTI.

If we determine 32 years of Orba ruler with his dedication in the disciplinary attitude built for this country and all abomination done behind his smile, so its worthy we crowned he is The Indonesia Wickedest Father.

I placed Yusril in the group I can’t define. I saw he was something rare different. May be he did not get the group in my research because he had very big opportunistic character. I had guessed he was alien will master the earth. He was a nasty antagonist and getting much hate in my research.

About an old man had mustache (Pak Kumis) from Makasar and ZH also just God know their heart! Actually they were denizen of Group “T” who failed to pass good man curve because sided their worry like business and the short term interest. They had been perceived good man in the past but bad people now when supported to religion, tribe and race way in DKI election 2017. Supporting become antipathy!

The reader can say all because I am supporter of Jokowi-Basuki but I want to share that an awareness changing cycle of human caused of good influence of Jokowi. I mean finally the people in group “C” and “T” in my research can’t hold the kindness energy transmitted by Jokowi. The people in group C and T are may be bad guy but be aware and getting success to choose kindness way.

The true good man if had comparative of good man. No sterile people but a good man who will always attempt to be good man until end of life.

Being the good or bad man is not happened instantly. I believe a corrupter at least had ever cheated. We can do a comprehensive investigation by interviewing of their circle. We can check their life since childhood but will get difficulty to find bad things in the people who are really really good.

Ibu Retno, The Minister of Foreign Affairs said very like ‘kerupuk’ and very hard to control it. I had eaten oil much she said. From his profile she was good lady in my research, oil is better than illegal money. Hoping she will go through.

At last if you read the term of “good people” in this writing please interpret “at least they are trying to be good” when met they were enough to be good but if read “the bad people” here so make sure they are the really really bad people!

Takes note don’t give position to the evil figures in Indonesia!

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