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Anies-Sandi Repent1


Anies-Sandi must be ready. The indigo children and special gifted people had got “incredible anxiety” of the parties who used ugly way to achieve the goal.

Some times ago, after a month we stayed in Yogyakarta, I was invited a gifted group in Yogyakarta. A member who invited me at once told me that the winner election of DKI’17 had given mystical energy to gifted group. That energy like an inequable situation. What kind restless I asked to compare the similarity of what I had seen a few times ago. Their destiny will be determined on this October he said. That perhaps… (red: I thought readers can guess what is it…heee).

Before I tell what is the winner’s restless of governmental election’17, I would like to discuss about the criminals.

From all case I read about the criminals who surrendered independently to police they generally can’t live in fear because were chased a feeling of guilty. They confessed more often getting sweat, more sensitive and more often listening ‘weird voices’. Some made report had caused cardiac problem. If the criminals were Tengger’s guy so the feeling of guilty make they die because of slipping in the cliff.

For unusual sound in the science of metaphysics is repayment of an energy on the energy given by human to nature. If positive energy given positive energy returned otherwise negative energy sown negative energy harvested. I believe nonlinear causality especially of negative energy given of human will get bigger negative energy return of nature as the self and body not be ready. Conflict interest happened inside self and body. Like theory of math negative factor (inside) adding negative factor (outside) will outcome negatively.

About this writing I deliberately to raise it, it to be curious “How strong Anies-Sandi’s cardiac to hold back all unstop mock”?

One hundred million mocks
The result of research I made since dirty way played them in government election DKI 2017 until current dynamics. I count they had got 100 millions of mock. That assumed 5 articles about them broadcasted one media multiplied 5.000 mocks per one article then it will be multiplied 300 days (Nov’16-Sep’17) multiplied many thousands communication medias and again be multiplied million sharing. My research according to “Acceptance of Mock Based on Their Conscience Banged“. The conscience getting trouble will drive prolonged stress will influence cardiac work.

Researching divided 5 phases, which are:

  • Phase-1A, during early activities to campaign at round-1, acceptance of mock where their consciences were still able to consider false and true because just trial error to get method to win. Day by day their conscience become gasping for air like fish asking help on the desert.
  • Phase-2A, mocks accepted near round-2 campaign to voting day, in this phase their consciences had died for a while. The highest ignorance happened in this phase because had to win in their mind plus had to need power and or had seen the winning via religion method.

    The mocks accepted in this phase will get strong resistance in their heart to their justification theory that formed by natural law or not. Definitely, a part theory of justification will be forced. Increasingly forced is more logic because kept in frame. The people like them need a half awareness closed in order to focus main goal. So we’re easy to understand why criminals be drunk before to do action in order a half awareness off can collect all nerve of bravery on that plan only with no care of conscience. The conversation on viral at that moment was “had to win even though using religion’. The volumes of demos made were the shape of justification theory in thinking where religion to be vehicle.

  • Phase-3A, after the winning announced till to outstanding inauguration on October where mocks had been accepted as mock! Why? As inner heart starting to be touched back! The factor of the conscience was able touched because the first goal achieved while dynamics of mock not yet abated, negative energy harvested and restless kept filling in the chest. No more action to beat conscience on that religion method chosen. Justification theory had been ineffective anymore.

    One by one supporter in jail must be deleted will harvest additional burden in their shoulder. Its possibly they would be mocked own volunteers, “How could you both left us after won?” The volunteer supporting especially will be drawn back to be anti will give hard burdens. For example if a mum in jail because of overdoses promotion of them as a doctrine to be win or money lure so when her mouth sparking out pique will be felt like community’s mock.

  • Phase-4A, mock accepted after inauguration to 100 days as governor so acceptance of mock will be accepted like Phase-1A and Phase-2A but turning point is 100 days. If 100 days have not yet shown more than Basuki-Djarot’s progress so acceptance of mock will enter Phase-3A cycle: mock will be accepted as mock again but getting bigger wave. They will start feel the winning apparently is general stuff then why I sacrifice too much?
  • Phase-5A, after 100 days working, because loading of work, the expectation of people had a comparison of Basuki-Djarot, mock trending will keep increasingly so felt like knife slice hands. The feeling of shame bigger because the proof of pledge to be their wager.
  • If they passed 100 days without turbulence and keeping as governor, so how their conscience touched mock? Just analogy it how much garlic consumed—rhino face will be installed until 5 years ahead and cardiac health depends on garlic. Please provide dis-solvent blood drug much. I hope my satire enough puncture them.

    Well, how the acceptance of mock if inauguration canceled? This is interesting discussion actually. I collect in two models, which:

  • Model A, if no inauguration because they crawfished and send sorry to community, mock trend will drop drastically. Mock changed to be sympathy. This reconciliation can be accepted public easily. It more ideal more sincere heart. They will be rewarded quite life. The anxiety will get over. Mocks will be part of history, they still accept mock is mock but in enlighten perspective. In this point they will experience true self-discovery may be and had potency to be transformed as great leader. I thought they have chance to be next president.
  • Model B, if fail to get inauguration because of legal case so mock trend will be stable-increase to unpredictable time. Acceptance towards mock in this phase will turn back Model A. Mock can not be changed blessing for them. Mock will be the revenge and finally will destroy their own life. The politic just still politic with no care about them.

    If they beat it so negative energy accepted more double double because the collectivist of negative energy will increase over knowledge of people consciously or unconsciously. The people will blame their result that predicted can’t be same Basuki-Djarot even higher. Its simple community still convince natural laws “all good thing started from beginning”. Disabled moral issue continues to be raised, violation of together consensus ethics about civilized ways in competition, then from the moderate Islam prompting who are sultry the excesses of religion way. The supporter start rebellious because ‘filthy lucre’ not smooth like before and be upset, changeable politic as well encouragement and example of internasional leadership in morale, nonsuch and religion playing danger. These are all will be mental burden for them.

  • Inauguration canceled, facing legal cases and still want to get negative energy are the twice foolish thing done. Getting 5 years limited power by beting all lifetime.

    Anyway be governor or not, they had harvested minimal 5K mocking comments. Five thousands will become 100 times in energy until unlimited. Their emotion like anger, shame as well the all action to hold emotion in one side but other side must wear various masks will be mixed on in negative energy.

    They are tired because negative energy keeping hit them. They will get 100 multiplied 100 millions negative energy! How long their cardiac can hold all? They turned near 50th old years? They never kill somebody but they had killed togetherness of living. They can not master this incredible negative energy because I think they are people who would like to be good person but already broken as politician triggers.

    They perhaps can quibble never reading comments but I tell them the energy can be transmitted without read? Energy can flow as light as wind.

    I can say they have no choice. Step back will stop restless! This is the most honorable reconciliation and only one of remain way to win Indonesia.

    About their restless and correlation inauguration in this October that felt by special gifted people a few months ago. Then this topic has been viral very wide in various groups and now to be public consumption in the factual theorizing form and not a mystic issue anymore after Saracen’s player and Asma Dewi imprisoned and a lawyer who supported a scholar their success team corelated in Saracen’s organization.

    So about their restless is very normal because they are still humans right? They had the weakness of Saracen correlation can not be ignored and the red thread will be found. Excluding another corruption cases that heading them. Wow.. they have so many burden!

    About the vision captured by indigo people or gifted community were not special thing because the anxiety is very normal process from people to be somebody. The sign had been shown by the master of truth. Step by step but firmed! The restless will increase cardiac’s pulse.

    They will be remembered as Saracen Governor but live in restless until die or step back and choose the bigger opportunity? Likes Ebiet G. Ade said, “A While Has The Time”.

    Will we get inauguration in this October is their first of first restless. Secondly will we follow Ahok; imprisoned with no inauguration?

    Noted: Don’t be angry if you get this paper, I have good intention for you both. I don’t want hear you get problem in your cardiac. Stay healthy and serve your country with honesty in order the honesty back to you!



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