AZ Irrigation



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Sobobanyu, The Roamer of Mountain Man Seeking For Water

The Story Behind The Sobobanyu
First time visiting Sindoro, approximately 6 years ago, I remembered was the hundreds of hectares of cabbage left to rot because of the price plummeting to the ground. Another time I came again, fields in condition can not be planted because waiting for rain. Farmers await the rains along months and complained the water. Some farmers survive from rice corn and dried beans and a few from the dig in-cover up of the hole.

NO WATER! NO WATER is a situation that has already happened several generations. Screams harder but voice yet missing swallowed mountain coolness, and then as if hillside people believe the condition of water shortage is part of human life of mountain slopes — a fate that cannot be changed. How could they believe that water will be come due to drinking and bathing alone still trouble. Fortunately there is Sindoro Sumbing is always console like Mother Father calm every anxiety, if not the face of slopes people will be blackened.

The global warming factors make the weather the more unpredictable but when the rain comes, the water is allowed to flow towards the sea. Expect sea water evaporates and forms clouds so the rainy again it looks like modern humans do not know the natural cycles it takes time. Expect the ground water that dwindling is not relevant anymore because the need has never diminished.

Farming on the slope has more botheration because of the condition of the fields are never flat. One step is the incline or decline. In the mountains need two type life skills, uphill will overwrought downhill will be difficult. Water is a major factor in farming, fertilizer, seeds, harvest rates are not fair, not infrastructure support is another constraint that each require one of contemplation. Once again, fortunately there is the Mother Father Mt. Sindoro Sumbing which always give renewal sense on the old sense.

Sobobanyu in Two Paragraphs
Sobobanyu is an irrigation system will be built on the hillside of Mt. Sindoro Sumbing, Sub District Kledung, District Temanggung, which a movement YPG to community empowerment of farmers Mt. Sindoro Sumbing and is the central of all the activities of the application goals of WaBeBe (The Balance Thinking Vehicle) of the division of agriculture.

Sobobanyu is a system of rain water governance that as the main source of irrigation fields are accommodated in embung (dams), a smaller reservoirs that were built on top of the average height of the fields.

Vision and Mission
Sobobanyu brings a vision mission about the mountain sustainability and farmland to always be in the organic role and function which has been awarded nature

Sobobanyu touch other aspects in addition to farming, namely culture and environment. Politically Sobobanyu was an early action to protect nature by providing ease of farming with the availability of enough water.

  • Cultivating tranquility, provide tranquility farmed with water sufficiently
  • Back to tillage, invites cultivating youth back
  • The center of cultural, became the center of cultural activities, as one form of maintenance


  • Main: As sources of watering to farmland
  • Additional: Center of creative activities

Supporting Factors

  • Rainfall in Sindoro Sumbing quite large
  • The fog that is big enough as a substitute when the drought is very long so keeping farmlands always damp

General Working System Sobobanyu
The rain water impounded and then managed with close open system according to the needs. Then accommodated in small ponds in every field. The Pond in the fields of the main function to prevent water shortages during the dry season which is too long while also keeping the water level in the dam.

Dam capacity plus all pond field is not yet counted technically but should ideally meet the entire needs of the water in the fields. Any water in the pond field had been utilized should be filled in directly ‘automatically by system if could be, so the ponds field are always full.

Maintenance Sobobanyu
Maintenance of Sobobanyu includes two aspects, mental and physical care. Only a matter of physical treatments on paper because of care of the soul the most difficult. If we wan to think in universe sustainability context. Sobobanyu is a representation of the souls are thirsty of drinking. Draw water of life. The mystical unity occurred between local people and physically of Sobobanyu.

Physical maintenance will run ‘without extra effort’ if the local community are convinced of Sobobanyu presence. The Sobobanyu engagement in their lives through the mysteries. Bound in the soul and the spirit. Sobobanyu must be considered by local people to level as a whole. Inseparable. Bound by cultural customs one and egalitarian.

Sobobanyu is truly celebration of life for the community. Dance, song and a tambourine will awaken the souls of ancestors Sobobanyu.

This is the biggest challenge of the core team in order to maintain a lasting ideals.

Why Should Get Involved?
Anyone can not claim would not be stunned with the majesty of mountain. The Lord is very easily found on the mountain has become the secret in people hearts. Just sat quietly looking at the mount, the Lord seemed to sit beside me. THE MOUNTAIN IS THE PLACE TO DRAW THE LESSONS OF THE TRUEST LIFE. TOO PAINFUL WHEN THE MOUNTAIN WAS DAMAGED ONLY ON BEHALF OF LIVELIHOOD.

The time as a connoisseur of the mountain should be raised in degree to become a guard mount.

All those who claim to have ever touched by the mountain but did don’t care about the mountain conditions such as eating at the stall didn’t want to pay for. It is very outrageous. Engaged the preservation of the mountain in anywhere it didn’t matter. Involved in the groups of The Water Temples Development Plan of Sobobanyu adding to the list of warrior of the simple life.

Background of Sobobanyu Name
One night I talked to Mas Joko Bibit as the Cultural Coordinator Team of Sobobanyu in order to help looking for a name of the irrigation system that will be discussed in the first meeting of August 8, 2015. After passing through some of the discussion is finally out of the name Sobobanyu. Sobobanyu comes from the Javanese language, consisting of Sobo and Banyu. “Sobo” means humans roaming, people who are looking for while “Banyu” is water. Sobobanyu is the man who venturing to the water.

The Several Challenges

  • An accurate mapping of the fields is indispensable, given the data will continue to be used. Working with the data has completed a full 50% of problems because the solution usually close the needs of
  • The condition of the field on an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level is a challenge that no small

These data here is extracted from the Green Book of Agriculture. Sindoro Sumbing Development Plan Sobobanyu. For those who want to get involved please call through email to get fixed proposal.