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Book In Shop


Getting Giharu/YPG’s books is not really easy like other books, such as while hangout to a mall then come-around in a luxurious bookshop, cool and bringing home a awesome shopping bag that book inside. To obtain a book of Giharu/YPG required a patience because often have to wait to printed first. Put one or two baskets of flowers in front of the door while waiting for the book of Giharu will probably outsmart a wait.

Let The Process
If reviewed by the business side the store is closed long time ago. How could it’s turnover rejected? It is hard to understand by people alive from the acceleration of the world. Even ‘the residual’ of capitalist of Giharu still sues inside. Giharu came from business background really want to use the slow down marketing manner of his book. Evil deeds bear the risk of embarrassment, the pursuit of the beauty of life demands a high readiness and patience risks letting the universe supports with its miraculous way. Let the book sales goes as they want to be because Giharu believe the book not the inanimate objects, there are a staple of mind and the passion, written full of compassion tears, of joy and hope in that so spellbinding life, let them work by the time.

The Scourge
Giharu thinks should be able to overcome his fears first before inviting other free to be oneself, the large cost of printing books that can pawn a house is a scourge for the digit of calculator chaser’. The capital, funds are always become a excuse of the people to doing something but not for Giharu. Here’s a bonus of coexistence with the universe, a rock by the people will be seen gravel by Giharu.

If Submitted To The Publisher?
There is nothing can be done by Giharu except sweet sitting and pray, hopefully the book explodes in the market and the consequences that occur upon ideals and simple life ideas would be like the sun on the equator: The Lost of Basic Benefits. Publishers and big bookstore is the first parties will gain the abundance from Giharu’s book, whereas Giharu wants the small community be the king over his ideals. It already a commitment, almost all of his work and books printed by Divisions of Literature and Books will empower small printing that compiled Giharu in village. (Read: Giharu Reckless Be An Author Publisher).

The Ideals Belonging To Whom?
By positioning as a author publisher kampong, Giharu continues consistent with all of his limitations, fall gets up, sweet and bitter, abdominal pain or a leap of passion; she had experienced all since decided independent writer and all of that is pretty very teach Giharu about actually the ideals belong to whom?

Those ideals are actually just for ourselves. If you want to imagine the situation she has been facing just assume that is driving by FIAT 1960 car that its spare part have been many broken, there is anxiety because its machine often off and if until the engine totally off for Giharu does not matter also, because she still has a thought to lead the foot step? Take its to the summit ideals with various encounters with people and unpredictable situations is the beauty of life that cannot be paid by the any big publisher especially treasure.

Where Can Buy?
The book can be purchased online through this website with a credit card or manual transfer system, by email or by a link media social on the top of site.

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