

Post Mnf



Thats because of Ahok again! The social-media is more-lively now than before, it’s wall had been religion-stage in various-ways. The Interests in the impromptu interpreter of religious job are experiencing a rapid increase in both parties. One group felt was attacked other built a fortress, but of those who are hypocrites should get our seriously attention!!!

The restricting factors of religion to grow is actually not that’s religion but rather the mortals inside it! In the process of human struggling as spiritual beings, there are ones who failed to become a whole person. They are hypocrites as were told in any scripture religions.

These people are very dangerous, more dangerous than the psychotropic supplier because they are shaking in thinking way. If drugs will damage the body however hypocrites will destruct mind. The harmony of human life is very depended on the structure of health human mind. All human encouragement indeed sourced from the heart but the chemical of the mind more quickly generate action before the conscience do a warning. If the mind were already handled by darkness there are no hope of real inner producing the voice. The voice of the human heart is very weak, only get a very little chance of having to grow up in the soul of man who wears approach of lust. Certainly the hypocrites’s conscience had died! They are criminals of humanity and enemy for the world.

The superior hypocrite doesn’t want to dirty his hands, they put the inferior hypocrite who likes to lick coin. Its dammed to hypocrites like them!! Let’s say cursed they who has been made evil consensus!!!!!

The hypocrites utilizing primordial human traits in a religious group in order to effectively cover the depravity as well as the crimes done. This way is very sophisticated in their view but it is not for people who can still clear-minded. The good people are opponent to hypocrites. They create any how dark mess but it can not be hidden from the eyes of the good person’s heart.

The enemy to sustainable development for a peaceful world is primordial issue like had feeling ‘fellow group is family and must to be protected but other can be destroy’ if it will done in the context of the vast and wild, otherwise to be a fertile ground for the hypocrite to maneuver even only in a small circle. The identity of the man who is already formed in a group such as religion, it’s chains should be broken to our humanity evolve rapidly.

That’s very insular to the group who very scared it will threaten his faith when his humanity thriving up. For them we may need to ask a very basic thing again about: Do they have ever to be a child? Do they realize living on Earth? Are they sure not animals?

In religion we should use logic too because the religion spreading by people whereas the hypocrite using religion as shield!

Developing logic does not mean it will negate the faith but to face hypocrites. This is the human endeavor to keep the God remain sacred in there and do not touched by dirty heart of human. Try to think which is more proud of God where the Lord is worshiped by smart people but felt fool or dumb people but felt smart ass?

It will more and more the hypocritical people appear at the time that continues to change. If you believe are part of the beauty of God’s creation then advancing your logic widely and it must in completely working to capturing the spark of heaven as well as AGAINST the Satan by being a good person! We no have choice except doing good things because nature alone cannot force them as long as they still ignorant but we can give a balancing.

The hypocrites are evil!!! The younger generation should be very vigilant, do not want to be invited to be crazy because you will forward a dignified modern human civilization.

The forces of evil can never rule the world, of any kind will be never because the good people have their own durability! No need to be pessimistic and please be noted that good people are more than bad in this world if it’s not doomsday world since used to be.

The universe has its own mechanism to restore the natural equilibrium of the kingdom when universe saw this world so dirty through natural events that belong to universe’rights. Disaster, death, sickness and the constraints that will be presented to the people’s ignorance.



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