
Monthly Archive for: ‘November, 2017’

  • Post Soph

    Sophistication Faith

    I just remember when took short course in Flower City, I heard many Non Moslem girls were impregnated deliberately then. His boy friend asking the girls to embrace Islam because he want to responsible otherwise hands off. The homely girls who still tightly hold the …

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  • Post Jail

    Antithesis of Goal-1

    Some days ago together with a colleague, Mas Beni we visited a killer in Wirogunan Jail, Taman Siswa Yogyakarta. Just call Mr. A for his name, his age 25. Mr. A was caught by the police when his wife in first child pregnancy. He had …

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  • Post Scarp Metal

    The Scrap Chain

    All the people who are the trouble maker depart from a nice children. It’s weird? They’re funny and adorable but how can become the vandals? The willing to pinch their cheek like bakpao but now its much really willing to punch their bakpao…heee. The milk …

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  • Post Comrel


    In education field I also found the vacancy of Christian’s teachers were being left deliberately in government schools and they got learning room as is. The students of non Moslem experienced intolerance and discrimination time by time with no improvement. Intolerance and discrimination in this …

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  • Post Popl

    Religion Commodity

    The show biz world can’t escape of islamization movement. That soft way cuddles fast track method to get popularity. That is true that religion is more easy to be traded in condition likes had interest, fall in love, cover the disgrace and a willing to …

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  • Post Kok Dibiarin1

    God’s Reward?

    I almost fall asleep when reading a news from BBC-Indonesia about Orang Rimba Jambi has been forced to embrace Islam and facilitated by FPI. This news making me woke up from bed. Their action was so ashamed, Orang Rimba were brought via a truck, were …

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